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I saw acute uric acid on my dads kidney scans in vitals repeatedly one week and asked him if he had any pain anywhere. He said his foot really hurt, specifically his toe.  Gout is what causes that and I asked him to eat a banana to lessen the acid buildup in his toe and then I ran a playlist for kidneys for him including gout specifically and he was fine the next day. 

Having a map to see what is happening in our bodies is essential as it is a mystery without some sort of knowing.  I now see what vitamins and minerals my body needs or is getting too much of and taking something i don't need doesn't absorb and it is a waste of money. I save money just alone on supplements that I don't need daily, & also by being able to send digital supplements to my body from Solex AO Scan.

Did you know our emotions, thoughts and words create all things good or bad? Running the inner voice scan daily puts you in balance emotionally which can heal all. Neurological issues also benefit greatly from inner voice. 

My mom had digestive issues and she was stopped up and in pain a lot. I ran a playlist for digestive and intestines etc and she said the next morning she couldn't believe how much her body released. So much relief in her body and she eats much better now and monitors her scans so she feels well. 

I experienced food poisoning one evening about two hours after eating black beans from a market. I had seen acute levels in my stomach and large intestines on my scan earlier that day after eating that food but had no pain. But Solex sees it BEFORE we feel it. I was in so much pain in lower abdomen and was in tears from how much it hurt. I started running my food poisoning playlist that I had previously made for my dog and the pain dissipated within 30 minutes. Usually pain decreases much faster with frequencies but this was a tough bacteria and after pain left I was able to go to sleep and was fine the next day with scans showing normal stomach and intestines. 

I was very mold/lyme sick as my bio describes and now I monitor my levels of those and much more so I can alleviate illness. Lyme causes debilitating joint pain and lethargy and if I feel a hint of that pain, I run the necessary playlist and it's gone. Then I look on my scan from the am and it already told me there was lyme strains present before I experienced the pain.  Trusting it and running lyme when I saw that would have prevented the pain from coming at all. And I don't have to sit in front of my rife machine for 45 minutes, because with Solex I can have it running silently on my phone in my purse while I continue my day. 

I woke up in the night with extreme pain in left lower rib area and scanned to see spleen at an acute level.  I ran frequencies for it and within a minute I felt it twitching, then after about 4 minutes, the twitching and pain were gone so I could go back to sleep.  

Did you know that endometriosis is related to liver flukes and other parasites in the uterus?  Running parasite, hormone, and the female endocrine playlists help to balance this issue. 

I fell down while restraining my dog when another dog was running by us and my comprehensive scan showed exactly the spots I was injured in red.  One was my shoulder that was just a surface injury. The other area was my lower left rib area and it was so painful to breathe and it continued for weeks so I finally wondered if I had injured an organ like my spleen so I wanted confirmation that my scan was correct in showing the injury in the connective tissue area. I got xrays at ER and sure enough they said it was just connective tissue and would take time to heal. What a relief knowing how accurate Solex is and comforting knowing no organs were harmed. 

My dog  is 14 and has a few lumps and I run a cancer playlist for him and they have shrunken, as well as he has sinustis symptoms so i play that also. I don't use drugs for myself or my dogs unless its the only way.  I use lasix diuretic for my dog after knowing there are heart issues/lungs and fluid in those areas. I am able to watch his kidneys on the scans to make sure he is doing ok.  I know these healing frequencies are keeping him alive longer and comfortable. Drugs cause so many problems with side effects. Frequencies don't have that. 

It has been a while since I needed a doctor as I have an unlimited self doctoring system anytime I need it.  It knows what is happening in my body versus a doctor guessing. I was told by a doctor I was prediabetic.  I refuse to own a diagnosis as our brain believes what we tell it. I use Solex AO Scan to watch my triglycerides, insulin levels and pancreas state. I manage this by running a couple of playlists for pancreas, diabetes bacteria, digestion, intestines to keep my body balanced especially when eating out. 

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