My ILL TO WELL Journey...
I healed myself from a ‘Dis Ease’ nightmare related to Mold toxicity & Lyme. Doctors could not/would not help me. Please don’t lose hope. I’ve been there. I CAN help you. I was unable to eat anything but broccoli (sometimes oatmeal) for six months or I would feel a scary chemical type reaction & also with most anything I touched, smelled, or breathed in. I felt like I had to live in a safe bubble & couldn’t live life! I was terrified which made things worse because the fear vibration is so low. Nobody understood & said I looked healthy so nothing must be wrong. Social things were impossible because I couldn’t eat anything, wear makeup or even have the energy to do anything. I was depleted after lifting my 50lb dog into the car which was easy before my body was in this state. I lost two of my dogs in 2023 which is so devastating to me each day. I know mold affected them & I can help your pets with a scan. We are in these physical bodies to love & help each other.
My body was in serious fight, flight, & freeze mode & it thought everything around me was dangerous because of the invaders including mold & lyme. I couldn’t tolerate a PIN DOT of toenail polish when I tried to paint my toes again after being bare for several months. That’s not important of course but sharing how my body wouldn’t accept anything even healthy foods. I know many people who know this kind of hell and even worse. I feel for you! It breaks my heart every time I open my Facebook and see people in this state in various groups dealing with ailments. I couldn’t sleep solid nights, I felt like I was dying, and I wanted to. I NEVER thought I would feel good again, my body seemed so far gone. My heart would be racing in the middle of the night waking me up, when I did finally get to sleep. The sick feeling throughout my whole body & debilitating joint pain from lyme was also part of this nightmare. My scans show me all the different types of Lyme & what its resonating at so now I am never dealing wtih joint pain for more than a few minutes and so rarely because I run frequencies to keep the Lyme symptoms from affecting me.
And Mold is no joke. It kills. But if you have most any ailment I can show you how to heal. We are our own doctors! Most professional doctors are guessing & then give you drugs that cause more harm. Our brains are such high tech computers & listen to what we want & our vibration. I know it seems odd but this will be mainstream for everyone to heal themselves in near future. I want to help anyone I can. I offer scans remotely or possibly in person (I am in OC So Cal).
1. Frequency Healing is the GAME CHANGER!
2. Prayer, Practice Meditation, Art of Mindfulness, & deep breath
3. Eliminate Toxins From Your Diet & Environment
4. Raise level of consciousness - flfe.net
5. Tai chi to calm nervous system -free you tube videos
6. Plenty of sunshine & hydrating water using sea salt, lemon, & or fulvic acid
7. Improve Your Sleep
8. Daily Exercise
9. Strive for Positive Mindset in thought, words, actions.