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My name is Valerie and the wellness system I use daily for myself, my dog, my parents remotely, and other people seeking answers is Solex- AO Scan. This system is not a machine, but a system I can log into anywhere on phone, ipad, or laptop. I use Solex accessories with it which give even better results. I also use Healy, a small portable device, & a rife machine.
But Solex is the easiest to use, easiest to share with people so they get real value in understanding what's happening in their body. It is also extremely effective in healing, & the most cost effective which anyone can afford. If you are ready to heal, I am happy to offer a scan for you to see what is happening in your body. This also works well to understand what is happening in animals if you have beloved pets. What to expect with a body scan is just a few minutes to scan with minimal info and then about 30 minutes to walk you through how to understand the report emailed to you.
Click on contact page to change your life &
Empower Your Wellness.

Frequency healing is actually not new, but been suppressed for decades because big pharma & the medical industry is not a health care industry, it is a sick care BUSINESS.
Bioresonance therapy encompasses various modalities that measure & change the energy frequencies naturally in your body. Your body operates at a certain resonance, & by measuring that, it is possible to diagnose & balance many different issues within your body back to homeostasis.
​Bioresonance therapy is very effective at diagnosing problems even before you experience symptoms & before spreading throughout your body, therefore causing significant issues such as DIS ease. ​
​Bioresonance therapy can diagnose thousands of specific problems within your body. It’s an exact form of testing that gives you more detailed answers than many standard testing protocols.
Bioresonance therapy has many treatment applications, including fibromyalgia, cancer, allergies, asthma, & autoimmune diseases. You can also monitor your blood chemistry, hormones, & vitamin/mineral levels. The options range from frequencies for a bug bite to Cancer.
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